There is a global trend — more and more customers are demanding from service providers an appropriate and responsible approach to the nature around us. Most often, the consumers’ choice and satisfaction with services is also determined by the fact if they company is compliant with environmental standards, cares about nature and pursues sustainability in its activities.

For many years, the ambition of “Vilniaus Vandenys” was to operate by following environmental standards. But as we followed the path of change, we realized that it was not enough anymore. We need to start thinking not only about key performance indicators — efficiency, performance — but also about sustainability of activities, harmonious activities with the environment, faster use of renewable energy sources in our activities, green energy.

The new strategic direction of “Vilniaus Vandenys” — environmental protection — has combined the goals set for the next decade — consistent improvement of wastewater treatment indicators, infrastructure and equipment upgrading and modernization, sustainable development of water supply and sewerage networks, smart digitisation of activities and the introduction of future technologies such as sludge recycling, crude energy extraction and utilization in activities, etc.

The company is currently implementing 5 renewable energy projects

Implementation of Circular Economy Principles in Wastewater Sludge Management
Tertiary treatment of plants in Vilnius City Wastewater Treatment Plant
Use of solar energy
Installation of a small hydro power plant in the sewerage network and installation of a hydro-turbine in the water supply network
Use of residual heat from thermos-hydrolysis for the purposes of the company

Nature is close to home, let’s not pollute — let’s take care together!

Everyone can contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment — taking care not only of the immediate environment of our home, but also small and effortless steps to ensure nurturing and conservation of the nature around us.

The use of plastic packaging, use of strong chemicals in the household, improper disposal of waste, and sometimes maybe just ignorance causes great harm to nature and people themselves. After all, the household of each resident is directly related to sewerage and what is found in water bodies.

“Vilniaus Vandenys” invites you to look into what we can do today to make the environment cleaner. It all depends on our choices and responsible behaviour.

Did you know that…

Drinking tap water saves scarce water resources. To produce a bottle of 1 litre it takes as much as 2.8 litres of water!

Drinking tap water reduces the global warming. This is due to the fact that production of plastic water bottles releases 2,5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, which is the largest contributor to climate change.

By drinking tap water, we are environmentally friendly. Plastic bottles decompose in only about 450 years.

A disposable plastic bottle cannot be used several times, since toxic substances are released from the plastic that poison the body and pollute nature.

By drinking tap water, we contribute to the conservation of rivers and lakes. The amount of the charge for drinking water includes not only the charge for water, but also the charge for collected and treated wastewater.

Wastewater is treated mechanically and biologically.

“Vilniaus Vandenys” uses the sludge from wastewater to fertilize energy forests.

To minimize the negative impact on health, one can choose environmentally friendly household chemicals. A suitable alternative is solutions of vinegar, ammonia, drinking soda.

Every day we drain a lot of dirty and polluted water into the sewerage. While bathing in the bath we consume about 80 litres of water, and in the shower — 35-75 litres. The washing machine consumes 65 litres, and the dishwasher 25 litres of water.

Lithuania produces about 100,000 tonnes of plastic waste each year.

What must not be thrown in the WC pans or sinks

  • Paper napkins and paper towels, multi-layer scented toilet paper.

    They do not dissolve in water as quickly as toilet paper.

  • Cat litter

    Even if the packaging states that the litter is soluble in water, clay particles swell from the water and clog the sewer pipes.

  • Hair

    It will not dissolve in water and will collect everything along the way.

  • Interdental cleaning floss

    The floss is like a net, it collects all the rubbish and clogs the WC pan and sewer pipes.

  • Condoms, cigarette butts, cotton swabs and cotton pads

    These are excellent means for clogging the pipeline.

  • Diapers, sanitary pads

    The gel in the diapers does not dissolve, on the contrary — it swells when wet, and clogs the pipes.

  • Oil, fat

    In water, oil cools down and gets into pieces that clog the pipes.

  • Salad dressings, seasonings and mayonnaise

    It perfectly sticks to each other waste products.

  • Bleach

    This is a strong chemical cleaner that should not settle in pipelines due to the substances in its composition.

  • Chewing gum

    It will never dissolve and can stick to other water-insoluble objects.

  • Stickers on dishes or fruits

    Residents like to peel them under running water in the sink, but they also get stuck in the pipeline.

  • Coffee grounds

    Almost everyone pours them into the sink, but coffee grounds are one of the most popular reasons why pipelines get clogged.

Why to choose a flask instead of drinks bottled in plastic?

  • Of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic produced, only 9 percent are recycled.
  • In 2020, the amount of plastic waste in the oceans exceeded the amount of fish.
  • We involuntarily eat about 5 grams of plastic a week — that’s about as much as our credit card weighs.
  • During the lifetime, a person eats about 20 kilograms of various plastic, which is certainly not favourable to our health.

In Vilnius city, you can fill your portable flasks with water comfortably and free of charge from the outdoor drinkers installed by “Vilniaus Vandenys”, the location of which and contribution of which to the conservation of nature can be found on the interactive MAP.