The activities of the company “Vilniaus Vandenys” are an integral part of nature: we extract from the natural sources and provide to the society a vital resource — water, and we return the treated wastewater back to the natural environment.

Therefore, by supplying water or by wastewater treatment, we operate in harmony with the environment around us and introduce technologies that reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.

Principles of social responsibility

We take care of our clients — we strive to provide them with quality services, respond promptly to comments and expectations, create a value-based organization, support transparent, ethical and responsible business initiatives. 

The principles of social responsibility of “Vilnius Waters” are based on:

  1. The United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) promoting corporate social responsibility.
  2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
  3. European Green Deal approved by the European Commission in 2021.
  4. The National Sustainable Development Strategy approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
  5. The expectations expressed by the shareholder to “Vilniaus Vandenys” to be part of the city where it operates, to base socially responsible decisions on the added value created for cities and its people.
  6. To follow the integrated ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 quality and environmental management systems adopted by “Vilniaus Vandenys”, which cover the areas of social responsibility that we focus on.
  7. The Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic directions approved by the Board “Vilniaus Vandenys”, combining the goals set for the next decade to “Vilniaus Vandenys” — consistent improvement of wastewater treatment indicators, renovation and modernization of infrastructure and equipment, harmonious water supply and sewerage network development, smart digitisation of activities, introduction of future technologies such as sludge recycling, crude energy extraction and use in operation, etc. 

The commitment to social responsibility of “Vilniaus Vandenys” is directed to the following groups:

  • The natural environment.
  • The environment of the areas where “Vilniaus Vandenys” is operating — Vilnius city municipality, Vilnius, Šalčininkai and Švenčionys district municipalities.
  • Shareholders
  • Customers.
  • Partners, contractors.
  • Employees
  • The Society (in the broadest sense) and its individual parts.

Areas of application of social responsibility

Social responsibility for us is a commitment to operate in a transparent manner, to protect the environment, to foster a value-based organisation, to be open, to build and maintain strong ties with communities.

Transparent and sustainable business – that is our commitment to operate in a transparent way, to account for performance results not only to the shareholder, but also to the public. To make the data of operation of “Vilniaus Vandenys” open and accessible to everyone interested in our activities. It is also obliged to make its business partners and contractors apply the principles of transparency.

To ensure sustainable operation of business, we will consistently improve the quality of services provided, perform digitization of activities, manage customer expectations by promptly responding to their inquiries, complaints, offering the customers one-stop shop services, all services in one place, etc.

Environmentally friendly activities include our commitment to prevent pollution in the natural and urban environment. That is emergency response, the speed and prevention of emergencies, the introduction of long-term solutions for water management and infrastructure serving the welfare of the city through the development of water supply and sewerage networks.

Ensuring and tightening control functions in controlling customers — major polluter, considering the increasingly tightening regulation of pollution and the implementation of the “polluter pays” principle enshrined in EU directives, increasing public attention to environmental protection.

This area includes our proactive actions in extracting energy from renewable sources and increasing its use in activities, cooperation with scientists in developing and implementing modern wastewater and water treatment technologies at “Vilniaus Vandenys” and developing green projects.

Value-based organisational culture is our commitment to ensure a safe working environment for our employees, providing them with all the tools that guarantee safety, and uphold the established values in the company — Cooperation, Professionalism, Responsibility and to base our key decisions on them, provide employees with tools to express their opinions freely, involve them in decision-making and communication of “Vilniaus Vandenys” in the social area. It is also obliged to encourage its business partners and contractors to apply the principles of occupational safety.

To establish strong ties with communities , we will educate the society (in the broadest sense) and its individual groups, ensure proactive and expert communication in the media, involvement of communities in our daily activities by initiating and implementing collaboration projects.

By joining associations that support sustainable activities, demonstrating progress in sustainability and responsible business (Lithuanian Association for Responsible Business, “Vilniaus Vandenys” aims at participating at the United Nations Global Compact, which promotes corporate social responsibility).

This area also includes the commitment of “Vilniaus Vandenys” to submit periodic reports to the public. It also aims at cooperation with scientists, universities, promotion of most gifted students, use of them, search for advanced ideas (hackathons), participation in research activities, etc.